smell for yourself our odour-eliminating nonwovens!
Aqdot will be exhibiting at the Hygienix conference in Nashville, Tennessee on 18-21 November 2024. We will be exhibiting nonwovens with our AqFresh™ technology added by spraying, padding, kiss-roll and compounding into the fibre.

AqFresh™ SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCES a wide range of odours
Nonwovens with AqFresh™ have been proven to significantly reduce odours from "distinct" to "weak" or even "very weak" in sensory panel tests.

In a urine test, AqFresh™ delivered effective urine odour removal for up to 12 hours after being applied to the ADL of commercially available adult incontinence pads.

AqFresh™ has been incorporated into a wide range of materials
AqFresh™ has been successfully integrated into the many different layers of absorbent hygiene pads & diapers.