
AqFresh™ Hair & Personal Care Consumer Insights Report

Written by Aqdot | May 4, 2022

Get your free copy of our AqFresh™ Hair & Personal Care Consumer Insights Report featuring the results of our global survey of over 500 consumers.


To get your free copy, please complete your details in the “CONTACT US” section below, adding “HAIR & PERSONAL CARE REPORT” in the subject.

Covering consumers’ attitudes to body odour removal, fragrance and anti-allergen and anti-pollution hair/skin protection, and consumer reactions to some exciting potential new product concepts, this AqFresh™ Hair & Personal Care Report is based on Aqdot’s global survey of over 500 consumers which gives valuable insight for our customers.

This report is designed particularly for Marketing and R&D Managers with responsibility for product innovation at manufacturers of hair & personal care consumer products.



  1. Survey methodology & sample
  2. Common hair / skin types and conditions
  3. Hair / personal care brands & products used
  4. Key benefits sought from different hair / personal care products and salon treatments
  5. Attitudes to odour removal, fragrance and hair/skin protection
  6. Consumer interest in new hair / personal care products with odour, fragrance and protection benefits
  7. Key conclusions
  8. How Aqdot can help you meet your consumers’ needs with our AqFresh™ odour capture & fragrance release technology


Example Insights

  • 46% are concerned about the effects of urban air pollution on their hair
  • 69% are more likely to feel happy if their hair smells fresh
  • 79% wish their hair would continue to smell really fresh between washes
  • 76% wish that the fresh scent of their personal care products would last longer
  • 74% of regular hair conditioner users would buy a hair conditioner that leaves a fresh scent on hair that lasts up to 10 hours

The report is packed with lots more fascinating consumer insights that could unlock / inspire your next big innovation.


AqFresh™ Technology

Our patented technology utilises Cucurbiturils – barrel-shaped molecules with a hollow hydrophobic cavity and polar portals. They capture malodour molecules whilst holding and slowly releasing pre-loaded fragrance molecules over time for a prolonged sensory experience.


For a free copy of the report, complete your details in the “CONTACT US” section below, adding “HAIR & PERSONAL CARE REPORT” in the subject.