Aqdot Achieves Cradle to Cradle Platinum Material Health Certificate For AqStar™ M1

Aqdot Achieves Cradle to Cradle Platinum Material Health Certificate

Aqdot Achieves Cradle to Cradle Platinum Material Health Certificate

Aqdot, the Cambridge, UK-based supramolecular chemistry company, has achieved a Platinum level Material Health Certificate (MHC) for AqStar™ M1, an exciting, flexible solution to the formulators’ quest for high-performing emulsification systems that are aesthetically distinctive.


A naturally-derived alternative to synthetic ingredients, AqStar M1 is both ISO 16128 and non-genetically modified and provides the formulation flexibility to produce a wide range of oil-in-water emulsion formulations for hand, face, and body products with characteristics of water-in-oil performance. With distinctive aesthetics, AqStar M1 offers consistent and easy coverage on the skin with no stickiness, glossy oil-in-water emulsions, and formulations that flow but do not drip. The formulations dispense well from pumps, airless pumps, tubes or bottles, some can even be sprayed.


Tim Wright, CEO of Aqdot, the supramolecular chemistry company that brought AqStar M1 to the market, said: “The unique properties of AqStar M1 have already generated significant interest given the opportunity it creates to formulate new cosmetic products from a naturally-derived emulsifier. We are confident that we can positively disrupt the cosmetics market with an emulsifier that gives manufacturers a naturally derived alternative to synthetics that works exceptionally well.”

AqStar M1 accommodates polar and non-polar emollients of any Hydrophile-Lipophile Balance (HLB) requirement, as well as challenging aqueous ingredients (including extracts and preservatives) across a wide pH range. It also produces highly stable formulations with high levels of inorganic pigments and particulates.

Aqdot has worked closely with MBDC, the original creators of the Cradle to CradleDesign™ framework to assess the ingredients and processes used by Aqdot in creating AqStar M1. The MHC, issued by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute, uses the material health assessment methodology of the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Product Standard to demonstrate that companies know the chemical ingredients of every material in a product and optimise towards safer materials. The Platinum level of certification represents the highest level of the Material Health Certificate. 

“With AqStar M1’s achievement of a Platinum Material Health Certificate, we are continuously demonstrating a commitment to offers products that enable our customers to introduce differentiated brand while making a truly positively impact on the environment,” added Wright.

“Oftentimes we’re faced with what we call ‘regrettable substitutions’ in the beauty and cosmetics industry and beyond, because we don’t always know the effects alternative chemistries will have on humans or the environment,” said Jay Bolus, President of MBDC. “By assessing Aqdot’s formula and process for AqStar M1 with such depth, we’re able to rest assured that there won’t be any harmful byproducts at any time of use. This ingredient will truly change the cosmetics industry with their abilities to maintain the desired function that manufacturers want for their products, while also giving consumers the guarantee that they won’t be exposed to harmful ingredients.”

Aqdot Achieves Cradle to Cradle Platinum Material Health Certificate For AqStar™ M1

For more information about Aqdot and its products, visit; and to learn about the Cradle to Cradle Design™ Framework and how to get on the path to certification, contact MBDCtoday.



Aqdot is a Cambridge (UK)-based supramolecular chemistry company with a focus and expertise in developing, licensing and selling novel proprietary products. At the core of Aqdot is Aq™Bit, a novel and versatile performance chemistry that has exceptional capability at capturing, holding and releasing materials. In unique and proprietary formulations, this chemistry is game-changing in a wide range of industries, including household and personal care products, fragrances, industrial chemicals, agrochemicals, and pharmaceuticals. Identifying unmet needs in these sectors, Aqdot develops products that enable our customers to introduce novel and differentiated brands and make a positive impact on the environment.


MBDC is a firm founded in 1995 by world-renowned architect William McDonough and chemist Dr Michael Braungart. MBDC originated the Cradle to Cradle Design™ framework and the Cradle to Cradle Certified™ products program. MBDC leads companies to create a world of good by assessing product designs and integrating the framework into corporate strategy, communications, operations, and supply chains. Using the process of inventory, assessment, and optimisation, MBDC provides unique technical expertise to develop sustainable circular economy solutions around material health, material reutilisation, renewable energy use, water stewardship, and social fairness. MBDC partners with clients to provide scientific assessments and spur design innovation to create a world of good.

Cradle to Cradle Design is a registered trademark of MBDC.
Cradle to Cradle Certified™ is a certification mark licensed by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute


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