The "new car smell" – a long-held association with excitement and luxury. But is it all it's cracked up to be? Aqdot’s survey of over 670 car owners across the globe reveals a fascinating disconnect between perception and reality.
While the "new car smell" holds positive connotations for some, nearly half (49%) find it concerning, with health being the primary reason (especially in China, where 79% are concerned). This concern is particularly significant for women (53% in China report nausea or headaches) and younger demographics (54% of 18-44yr olds are concerned).
The survey also highlights significant regional differences in car purchasing preferences. While Americans tend to prioritize a car's interior (often associated with the "new car smell"), some are less concerned about the smell itself, whilst the majority are concerned about VOCs in cabin air. Meanwhile, in China, the "new car smell" is a major concern (79%) and can even influence brand choice (72%).
Interestingly, comfort reigns supreme (55%) when choosing a new car, even outweighing factors like brand or safety features. However, this comfort extends beyond plush seats – good in-car air quality (85%) and pleasant smells (equally important as luxury) are high priorities.
This is particularly true in China, where car ownership is booming and awareness of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) is significantly higher (84%) compared to the US (52%).
The survey also highlights a growing distaste for overpowering air fresheners. A whopping 70% of car owners prefer fragrance-free or lightly fragranced options, and 74% wish for odourless air fresheners that eliminate bad smells without resorting to strong perfumes.
These findings present a clear opportunity for car manufacturers to differentiate themselves. Consumers, particularly in key markets like China, are willing to pay a premium (up to £100) for odourless interior materials and advanced odour-capturing technologies.
Aqdot's AqFresh™ technology offers a revolutionary solution. This innovative material additive seamlessly integrates into car interiors, effectively eliminating odours and VOCs. AqFresh™ delivers several key benefits:
• Improved Air Quality: AqFresh™ demonstrably reduces VOC levels, helping to create a healthier and more comfortable environment for all.
• Eliminates Unpleasant Odours: Whether it's the "new car smell" or off-gassing over time, AqFresh™ neutralizes unwanted odours.
• Enhanced Brand Image: By prioritizing occupant health and well-being, car manufacturers can cultivate a reputation for innovation and consumer care.
• AqFresh™ has been compounded (or added via masterbatch) into rigid plastics and proven to significantly reduce VOCs & odours according to the VDA-270 C3, VDA-278, ISO12219-2 and PV3942.
As consumer preferences evolve, car manufacturers must adapt to meet these changing demands. By prioritizing health, comfort, and sustainability, manufacturers can create interiors that resonate with consumers and drive brand loyalty.
Aqdot's AqFresh™ technology provides a powerful tool to achieve these goals. By integrating AqFresh™ into their materials, manufacturers can deliver interiors that are not only stylish and comfortable but also address health and environmental concerns.